Adding Quill Modules into ReactQuill in NextJS new update

New update
I notice that there isn't a clear solution to adding Quill Modules into ReactQuill on NextJS yet. In this example, I am importing blotFormatter into Quill.
The concept here is that since Quill needs document to be defined, we only tell Next to load in Quill and blotFormatter the moment the page is rendered. Since UseEffect only runs the moment the page renders, so we will start our call for these clientside imports there.
We use promise
to ensure that Quill is loaded, and blot formatter is loaded, to be resolved so that the Quill.register function will be available to us.
Nam non velit est. Sed lobortis arcu vitae nunc molestie consectetur. Nam eget neque ac ex fringilla dignissim eu ac est. Nunc et nisl vel odio posuere.
Vivamus non condimentum orci. Pellentesque venenatis nibh sit amet est vehicula lobortis. Cras eget aliquet eros. Nunc lectus elit, suscipit at nunc sed, finibus imperdiet ipsum. Maecenas dapibus neque sodales nulla finibus volutpat. Integer pulvinar massa vitae ultrices posuere. Proin ut tempor turpis. Mauris felis neque, egestas in lobortis et, sodales non ante. Ut vestibulum libero quis luctus tempus. Nullam eget dignissim massa. Vivamus id condimentum orci. Nunc ac sem urna. Aliquam et hendrerit nisl massa nunc.
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